1.      http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/21/after-alabama-immigration-law-few-americans-taking-immigrants-work_n_1023635.html

The information in this  source is accurate and trustworthy. I say this because farmers who employ illegal immigrant workers were interviewed. More than just one and they all had similar things to say. Also interviewed were government officials who had positive things to say about the new law. The source showed both sides of the problem making it more accurate. The source is appropriate for an academic paper because it is an example of pathos. The people interviewed are stating their personal case making it easy to relate to them. This source addresses some of my topics issues, mostly just about illegal immigrants working and not the major issue. However it addresses my developing stance because I now feel sorry for the people who lost their jobs because of this new law, even if they are illegal.



1.      http://immigrationreform.com/2011/10/14/soviet-style-disinformation-in-alabama/

The information in this source doesn’t seem very trustworthy or accurate because it is more of an opinion than fact. Only one side of the situation is discussed and it is bashing the website the Huffington Post. The information isn’t an appropriate source for an academic paper because the information doesn’t seem to be very accurate. Since it’s more of an opinionated paper than factual the information in it could be wrong. The source doesn’t address my topic more just how people are over reacting to disinformation. This source doesn’t change my stance.



The information in this source is accurate and trustworthy. The author of this source has credible data. He interviewed reliable sources and seems to have an accurate estimate on all the costs. For example the Census Bureau and Homeland Security were both asked for estimates and they both are credible sources therefore trustworthy. The information in this source is appropriate for an academic paper. The costs and numbers given are an example of logos and support any claim being made. This source addresses my topic because it explain the average cost for illegal immigrants to be in the United States. The